Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall Art Round Robin Hastypearl

Fall Art Round Robin
I recently read an amazing art blog, All the way back, to its inception.
Super Cool Artist.
You would probably know her name.
(...didn't want to name drop, but she knows that I was doing it:)
Periodically, I'll select someone that I admire, and invest the time.
I learn A Lot.
About Human Nature.
About Kindness.
About Life.
About their Art Road.
I'm guessing that it doesn't matter whose blog I read, there would be some cross over in our lives.
Names of people that you both admire.
Events of challenge, that are the same.
Bottom line is, we all basically Go Through the Same Things.
No matter where we live or who we are.
I promise, My story and Your story are similar!
I digress.
(I love that phrase.
I could use it almost EVERY blog post:)
One of the things that I read in her blog, was that she had participated in some pretty amazing
Art Round Robins.
You know.
She sends something to another participant, and they add to it and send it to another participant...and so on.
Well, what I saw was nothing short of Amazing.
The pieces were Phenomenal!
So Generous.
Such an activity of Giving.
Well, I am proud to say that I too, have participated in a recent Art Round Robin!
While a bit more Humble than the one that I just referred to, it
was Full of Love,  just the same:)
It was my Honor, to receive a beautifully created Fall Pumpkin.....coooooooovered in luscious dinosaur stamps and it was created, AND mailed...Just to Me!
Yep, that's right.
The artist friend that I am referring to, is named Jackson, and he is 3 years old!
This morning, I was happy to send to him, my installment in our little Art Round Robin!
Its always fun to just get out some pencils and just get to it!
My "Happy Fall" models for my cartoon faces, are my beloved Airedale and Goldendoodle!
So, large or small, fancy or not...participate in your own version of Sharing...Today!:)
Placed in my kitchen window, surrounded by some of my Favorite Finds...

What a Sweet Mom he has, to take the time, to teach him about Giving...and the Postal Service!

Lola and Darcy...Super Models!

Happy Fall, Ya'll...xoxo Laura

Saturday, October 19, 2013

South Texas Red Garden October Hastypearl

South Texas Red Garden In October
One of the many hats I wear, is that of Gardener.
One of the blessings of gardening in South Texas, is also one of it's curses.
Excellent weather.
Many people Rest from gardening during the winter months.
For me, its really possible to garden almost all winter, with only a few "cold days".
While a few plants  may freeze, others may show continual color.
Certainly, there are still plenty of days to continue doing gardening chores
The Truth is, many people in our area take their break from gardening during July and August, when its really Unbearably Hot, much past 9-10 am.
During that time, the plants go Dormant to reserve their energy, and anything beyond just keeping them Watered, is difficult!
However, our reward is called.....Fall!
The plants Rejuvenate and Revive and put on a flush of color that many other parts of the world have enjoyed, all throughout Summer.
I thought it would be nice yesterday, to Stroll around and Photograph some of the "Red Stars", of my garden.
This is a Firecracker fern, planted next to our pond.
It is taller than me, after being in the ground, 3 years now.

The ground cover in the foreground, is called Knotweed.
You may have heard me say before, that a nursery salesman, pulled a small Strand of it out of the pea gravel path and gave it to me. I planted it directly in the soil on the lip of our pond and it has filled in this much in 3 years, with no attention, other than watering.

This is Pineapple Sage. It smells terrific as the name implies. It hasn't frozen in my garden, and reseeds.
It really looks great with the other surrounding plants and with those Tubular guessed it... the Hummers and Butterflies, love it.

An old Rose with yellow Thryallis and pink Turks Cap, nearby.
Dancing ladies with Lipstick Salvia in the background.

Rose Cinco de Mayo.
AMAZING fragrance!
Gardener error.
I planted potato vine... purple and green, in this bed.
Try as I might, there's no getting rid of it.
Its funny, it looks great, is contained and serves a beautiful purpose of being a wonderful groundcover.
So, why don't I like it? 
I guess there's just something about being a gardener and making that big of a mistake, to relax and enjoy it!
Ever feel that way?
Lantana "Dallas Red".
1 gallon gift from my a shrub:)
Butterfly heaven!
Dwarf Pomegranate and Lantana

"Unnamed" me...aloe, I bought at a farmers market.
Love that color and have divided it many times.

And of my goldendoodles Red babies, that get scattered around the garden.
"Unnamed" variety:)
If temps will still allow...I hope that you will go outside some and enjoy your day and I hope that you enjoyed strolling in our garden!
We still haven't even STARTED our fall foliage colors, yet!
I cant WAIT to show you our local display.
Its not New England, and its not the Rockies, but I think you will be impressed and surprised!
Dig On!
xoxo Laura

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Weimaraner Mixed Media Watercolor Hastypearl

Weimaraner Mixed Media Watercolor
Well, some of you may have already read about this on my FB wall, but for those of you that haven't, I thought I would post it here.
This Mixed Media Watercolor project was inspired from a small text picture, that I received from a friend of mine.
She has a great sense of humor and when I read her doggy "voice over"...I cracked up!
You see, she has this Weimaraner grand dog, named Hudson.
Hudson's forever family has three children.
As happens, kids often dress their dogs.
It seems that Hudson found himself one day, in a navy hoodie.
The photo showed Hudson with stern resolve and dignity, looking and dreaming far into his future...  
The phrase my friend sent said,
"Some day, I will rise to my Rightful place in the Kingdom!"
With his dignified stare, in spite of his humble human clothing...I immortalized Hudson on paper:)
I placed his Watercolor Portrait on some of my Hand Painted Watercolor Paper.
It was fun to look through my stash of goodies and build a bit of a story.
I loved that I found a perfect small chain.
Our dogs actually wear slip chains, made out of the Same Material.
I also made a little bundle of Royal Sticks.
Our puppy continually brings sticks up to the garage to chew on.
Dog's do that kind of stuff:)


So, from the Mere Hudson, he is now dubbed...
Prince of His Kingdom
... or at least his 'hood!
I could spend my day, doing NOTHING but painting and creating!
Alas...that is impossible:)
Hope you enjoyed meeting, Prince Hudson!
I listed him yesterday if you know someone that has a love for canines... in hoodies:)
xoxo Laura  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Leather and Lace Assemblage Hastypearl

Leather and Lace
Mixed Media Assemblage
Thanks Stevie Nicks, for a great Song Title!
It is a Phrase Appropriate, for this Mixed Media Assemblage, piece that I just finished.
As your know, I am always scouring estate sales, for historical items.
History passed on from one generation, to the next.
What appeals to me particularly, are things that were Important to someone.
It doesnt have to be valuable from a monetary perspective.
I just want to know that it was LOVED!
Sometimes, a family will recognize the worth of a family members items, but still elect to sell them at an estate sale.
If I am meant to find it...I will.
I found a leather pouch at an estate sale in Comfort Texas, in a century home.
I've had it for a good while.
Its just been waiting on me to see what I was going to do with it!
The beautiful Texture in this pouch, only possible from years of use, was my theme, my catalyst, my inspiration, for this Mixed Media piece.
Artist Seth Apter, is a great one for reproducing textures.
He's a great teacher and generous with his knowledge and often posts tutorials on his blog called, The Altered Page. Maybe someday, he will reproduce the texture like you will see on this pouch!
So my goal, was to feature a combination and contrast of Textures, in this piece.
Some Leather...some Lace.
Mostly a blend of hard and soft...
To start, whenever I can, I try to use some of my handmade papers, to ground my pieces.
They are also useful for setting a color frame.
This piece of paper is particularly beautiful.
At the top, I layered two of my favorites, from my button collection.
The ephemera under them, is a signature from the inside of a book cover, from 1891.
A reminder, of a time, and a hand, gone by.
I found it at The Graphics Fairy website.
It is an endless supply, of all kinds of free downloadable images!

The mans leather pouch in the center, is a Stunner.
Look close and you'll see some Amazing Texture!
As the top layer of the leather began to shed, the bottom layer, almost an orange color, began to show through.
This piece was USED and loved.
I'm so glad that I found it.
I know that the owner was an engineer.
Doesn't it get your mind going, in wonder of where all this pouch has traveled:)?

The bottom third of the piece, is a more feminine contrast.
The exquisite piece of lace was a gift to me, from a very dear friend.
The heart rocks are a few from my collection. 

Below, is a Close up of the "alligatoring", of the leather.
Wow! I wish I could recreate THAT on paper!

If you read a previous hastypearl blog posting on the piece to the right, you will see where I was headed with this set.
The two completed pieces, came from ONE game box, top and bottom, dated 1950's.
That's my birth decade, so I'm being careful not to call it an antique!
I let the instructions and even some pencil score keeping ticks, show through.

The set is neither masculine, nor feminine, but a combination.
I think they look great framing the vintage terrier rug, hanging in our kitchen.

I had a great time, making these.
Each have special found Collected pieces AND cherished Gift pieces, included.
There's no end to all of the great NEXT pieces for each of us to create!
I cant wait to start again...
What will YOU Create, today?:) 
I'm so glad that you have stopped by hastypearl, to see what is going on in my world!
I hope you will also follow me on Facebook, or take a look at some of my Pinterest boards!
For those of you in the Northern Half of the World...Have a great Fall Day!
xoxo Laura 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Mixed Media Art Studio Hastypearl

Mixed Media Art Studio
There Are Two Sides To Every Story!
I recently posted the following, first three pictures of my studio, on my Facebook timeline.
I got a number of compliments from friends.
Late last night, when I was stepping over piles and stacks of art supplies, in that Same room, I thought about how humans Present things.
Magazines and photographers are famous, for selecting, editing and erasing.
These days, photo editing programs, make it hard to tell what is real and what is fantasy.
Welcome to my studio!
Its only 10' x 15'.
It is well appointed, with beautiful century oak furniture and has a window, that looks uninterrupted over miles of Texas Hill Country.
(Notice how I am painting a beautiful story with my words, to begin to distract you, from what I am about to show you!)
After I glow for a minute, in my well presented RIGHT SIDE of my studio...

I will next show you, what the LEFT SIDE of the room looks like...Most of the time, and what the beautifully presented RIGHT SIDE of the room, looked like, only hours after I photographed it :)!

You probably don't remember seeing a picture of This Corner, that I leave set up for Spraying and Serious Mess Making.

You surely didn't see the top of my Always Messy work space, which even uncovered, is only a few square feet of space!

 Notice the overflow, underneath the table and how I have had to expand to the rolling cart to the side of my chair.
Are you Starting to get the point of my subtitle... Two Sides To Every Story?  
We can make just about anything Look Beautiful, with enough time to move things around!
Scroll back up and see what the "before" pictures looked like:)

And then, finally, this last picture is for the curiosity expressed about the drawer photo.
One individual, said that she wished she knew what was in one of the drawers!
Well, here it is!
Two FEET of zip locks, loaded with PILEs of Fun and Potential!
Everywhere I go, I'm always on the look out for Something Wonderful, that needs to make its way into one of my pieces!

So there you have it.
Total transparency!
Total disclosure!
Next time you open a magazine, and see a beautiful room or a super model, be assured, that there has been a Team involved, that knows how to make things look PERFECT!
Just an illusion. Just an illusion. 
Thanks for reading my hastypearl blog!
I LOVE that you do!
Feel free to sign up on the right side of the page, to get an email notice, when I post.
 I Hope that you will!
xoxo Laura

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Up On The Roof Hastypearl

Up On The Roof
On the roof, that's the only place I know
Where you just have to wish to make it so
And at night the stars they put on a show for free...
Carol King  
Mercury Saturn Venus Antares Moon
All waiting for you tonight!
visit night:)

I'm not the greatest photographer, but I am an Excellent Dreamer:)

Please don't waste your opportunity to enjoy this Gift...
Given to us, for free!
xoxo Laura


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fiber Weaving Hastypearl

Fiber Weaving
I thought it might be fun, for me to show you a part of a Mixed Media Assemblage piece, that I am working on right now.
I would love to say, that my workspace, is Always Neat and Orderly, but its not!
While I do "clear the decks", after completing a major piece, in between, I may have Inspirational Supplies out, too!
Hey, you never know when you might USE something, right?:)
So, late one afternoon, (that's why the pictures are a little amber"y"), I decided I wanted to do a weaving for my current project.
I am CRAZY for these bundles of fiber.
I have tried to replicate them, and I Cant! contact Joni Russell, and buy some of these affordable, BEAUTIFUL Bundles.
You may not see them on her site, but call her, or email her.
She will help you!
She even hand delivered these to me, when she came to San Antonio, to teach a metal jewelry class.
I digress!
    As Always!  
So, I've taken a few art classes. Finally.
But I'm kind of the girl, that likes to just makes things up as I go.
I'm committed to trying not to buy every gadgety thing that comes out!
Sometimes, what we can do with our own hands, can be just as special...and its Cheaper!:) 
So, You know how it goes.
Its late.
I want to weave.
What do I use?
Uh, pencils.
Of course!
All you need, is something to hold  your warp.
Decide on your measurements for your finished size.
My little piece is only 3" x 3".(excluding the tails)
Tape the horizontal weft pieces with some Painters Tape, to the pencils. (it comes off easily)
My warp, was ribbons of fabric.
Instead of using one long continual weft, I used cut pieces from the bundles. 

So, after you have things stabilized, you can get a rhythm and have some creative, fun!
I used a pair of long handled tweezers to weave in and out, (which I couldn't live without)...which you can get at craft stores, drug stores or even fly fishing stores! 
Every now and then, you need to slide the weft threads tight to their neighbor. 
And that's great, because it just gives you another opportunity to add another color or texture!
When you have your weaving, the size that you established, gently, remove your tape and pencils.
Remember, there isn't anything holding this together, so....  
...carefully, flip it over, and generously, place glue all over the back! 
I placed mine on a cookie sheet, that I keep in my studio for projects.
Use a paint brush, not your good one;), and spread the glue around to make sure that you have some on all of the strands. (I keep a cup of water, with my inexpensive brushes soaking for projects like this. Some of those brushes have lasted a LONG TIME)
 Carefully, take a peek on the "good" side, to make sure you don't have a glob of glue that you don't want to see when it dries.
Make adjustments, now! 
Leave it on your pan to dry.
 I have a fan in my studio, to keep air moving and to speed drying up when I am impatient!
When its dry, you can embellish it, with whatever you want.
This has all been a bit of a tease, because I don't have photos of the finished project.
You will have to come back to see IT, in an upcoming post.
For now, I just wanted to get your juices going, and nudge You to make one of these great little Weavings.
You don't just have to use yarn.
Many of these pieces, are actually ribbons.
I think Joni, may have actually cut strips of fabrics for these bundles.
Use What You Have!
There are NO rules!
Only the limits of YOUR imagination, and I have confidence, that if you spread out your supplies, and get a little messy, you will come up with something FABULOUS!
I hope that you try this, and send me pictures of your project!
I cant wait to Hear how you did!:)
Thanks for reading my hastypearl blog.
Now GO Have a Wonder Filled Day!
xoxo Laura 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Make a "Fuss" Over Someone! Hastypearl

Make a "Fuss" Over Someone, Today!
A while back, I had one of those definitive moments, where I thought about areas of my life that needed some attention.
Partly because I had seen elderly individuals, losing friends and basically being alone, and recognizing my own propensity to enjoying  my privacy, I decided to make it more of a priority, to spend time with people that I love.
For me, it was just going to mean more Contact.
Sometimes meals out together.
Taking a class together.
A phone call...
It didn't always have to be a big effort, it just needed to happen, More.
Yesterday, I had a very important person in my life, over for lunch.
Now, Id like to tell you that I prepared an exotic meal, but I Didn't.
A bowl of homemade soup and fruity muffins, and some little bite sized smoked salmon and cheese crackers.
That's it!
Everyone has their specialty.
Maybe you are into setting a beautiful table.
Maybe you love to build a beautiful menu.
For me, the touch that I most enjoy bringing to the moment, are my gardens' flowers.
Again, I don't make elaborate arrangements.
I just snip, strip them outside and fill little glasses.
Just the process of going out to the garden, and seeing all that is available from my laboring, its part of the gift that I like to think that I'm bringing. 
My friend and I go way back now, so in a blink...Four hours had passed.
It doesn't take much, to tell someone that they matter to you.
But, you know how great YOU feel when someone does it for YOU!
Maybe you are already GREAT at spending time with friends.
If not, think about it.
Believe me.
Time flies by very fast.
Unless there is some exceptional circumstance, we can only blame ourselves, if we find ourselves any time in our lives.

A VERY simple place setting.

At the end of our visit, my friend surprised me with a bag of goodies.
Things that she knows that I love!
They are exquisite vintage laces and spools of thread and tiny little metal bells.
You KNOW that I am going to work them
into my Mixed Media pieces!  
I hope that you don't take this as a scolding.
The last thing that I would want to do is to make you feel guilty!
I know that we are ALL already busy, but if this strikes a nerve with you, just DO IT!
Everyone is a Winner, when you do!
 I hope that you have a Great Weekend!
...I'd love for you to Friend /Like me over on my hastypearl Facebook page! 
xoxo Laura
p.s. love you Boo Boo:)  

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mixed Media Scrabble Box Assemblage Hastypearl

Mixed Media Scrabble Box Assemblage
For those of you who have read this Hastypearl blog before, you may remember a tutorial I did, on building a Mixed Media Assemblage.
If you haven't seen it, after you read this, you can scroll down a handful of posts, and I'm sure you will find it.
Everyone builds their Assemblage in their own way, but of course it all starts with what items you want to use in your piece.
I'm pretty addicted to creating them, and for me, the fun is not only in the composition, but also the engineering!
Anyway, at my house, yesterday and today was about doing some photography.
I haven't taken pictures of my house for a while.
I have a little fantasy about my house...not sure if it will happen, but photographing was necessary.
There's something interesting about looking at your home through a lens.
It's what guests see when they visit you.
You are used to walking past the same things in your home, day after day, but if you zoom in...make a vignette, you will be surprised how interesting your home really is!
I digress.
One thing that I had needed to do today, was hang my Mixed Media Scrabble Box Assemblage.
I think it looks pretty good in the kitchen, over the table.
I can sometimes be a symmetrical gal, when it comes to wall arrangements.
With that in mind, I think that you can see, that there is now, an empty space to the right of
Mr. Terrier.
Not to worry!
It just so happens, that I have the Scrabble box Bottom, in my studio, just waiting to be turned into something wonderful!

A looped a piece of string, through the saw tooth hanger that I put on the backs of my pieces...
yep, I know that's not very decorator, but I love how simple it looks, unnecessary hole in the wall, for when I want to move things around.
Thought you might enjoy seeing where I ended up placing it!
Feel free, to look up the previous posting on the blog, to read about and see the piece in the making!
Now, go get out your camera, and take a look at your beautiful home through the lens!
I'm sure you will see things in a whole different light!