What Do You Do When You Get THAT Invitation ?
That's a leading question, right?
I didn't specify, if it was a Bad invitation or a Good one, did I?
Well, I am happy to say that it was recently for me, a Good one.
A Very Good one!
I have happily and only recently met local San Antonio artists,
Michelle, because of an Encaustics class that I took from her,
and Lyn,
because she opened one of the encaustics mornings, for Michelle.
We also had a Very Happy incident,
where I was able to connect them,
with a sudden opening to teach at a Texas Art Workshop.
That was one of those meant to be moments that made at least 4 of us smile,
and I'm pretty certain that their students smiled, as well.
Anyway, back to my original question!
I happened to be looking through Lyn Belisle's 2015 Workshop schedule,
where she has the dates linked back to pertinent info.
I found this one date...December 12,
that didn't have a link.
I FB messaged her inquiring,
and her response really surprised me....she replied...
I signed You UP !
The first thing that I thought was ....AWESOME !
Not, hmmm...I wonder if I have that date available?
Not, I wonder what she will be doing?
I just thought....AWESOME!
I figured if it was snake handling or something TOOOO risky,
I could decline.
Otherwise, it didn't matter WHAT she was going to be doing,
I knew I was in.
Further explanation arrived and I learned that it wasn't just going to be Lyn,
it was also going to be Michelle!
WHAT???? :)
Turns out,
they had scheduled some time together in Lyn's beautiful studio,
to work on some ideas of things that they had been tossing around.
I and two other ladies, were invited to be guinea pigs of sorts,
and I couldn't have been more thrilled!
So, I guess you have deduced by now, that to the invitation, I said,
The following are a few pics of some of their Mixed Media Art pieces and
some of the things that we played around doing.
It couldn't have been any MORE WONDER FULL !
Someone once told me,
that in any area of your life,
you should find/seek out people that you admire,
and simply, do what they do.
For me, its been fun to see how many times that its really been instead...
Laura, watch and see, how you are being GIFTED with connections,
of people that you admire.
Its easy to attribute it to Gods hand in my life.
Who else could I trust more? :)
These two singly, have More Amazing Talent imaginable,
but together, they are a powerfully, compatible Force !
I'm Fine, with having two new people in my life, to Admire :)
Its at times like this that I always think of,
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you.
They will pour into your lap a good measure-
pressed down,
shaken together,
and running over.
For by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you in return.
Boy Michelle and Lyn,
was I given a Good Measure :)
I'm so glad that you stopped by to visit!
I hope that you are enjoying these Wonder-Full days....