Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mixed Media Vintage Cigar Box Shrine, Finds a New Home, Hastpearl

Well, it's kind of like sending your kids off to college/jobs.
You've dreamed about it, begged for it on occasion, but somehow, when it actually happens, you weren't quite prepared for that Little Sting, when the last thing you see is their tail lights, heading off into their Future...
Turns out, it seems the same can be true for art pieces! 
This Vintage Cigar Box, was the first piece that I made, when I decided that I wanted to open Hastypearl.
I worked on it for HOURS!
The paper doll clown's body articulates, and can be moved in hundreds of positions, while he balances on a real tight wire! 
It's the kind of piece, that can be passed down to generations.
Its why I call Hastypearl...vintage parts and heirloom art. 

I covered every square inch with really special vintage finds, including some adorable children's scissors, buttons that were MUCH TOO NICE to be glued, and of course, the BillDing Blocks that from certain age groups would draw a certain remark...."I USED TO PLAY WITH THOSE"!  

So, you know where this posting is headed...a Sweet Lady...the one that was meant to have it... just bought the box from the Boerne Johns Road Antique Mall, and is taking it off to its Future!
I don't get to know where it will go, but I know that it is going to bring JOY to everyone that sees it.
That's why I made it!
I wanted you to get to see it.
It's a real One Of A Kind!
I'm about to add a few special heirloom pieces on Hastypearl...
Hope you will hop on over and see what's going on!
Thanks for reading...I hope you have signed up to get my postings sent to your email box.
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Hope your days are full of JOY!


  1. Fabulous circus theme!!, love the box....the whole thing! You are a Clever one!!!

  2. You are truly an artist!!I have always loved that piece!! Congratulations!!

  3. Thanks guys...tisk tisk and goodbye little clown.
    Now, I have to get off this blog and go and make another;)
