Saturday, November 14, 2015

Community of the Like Minded Earth Notes Texas Workshop with Leslie Marsh Hastypearl

Community of the Like Minded

Earth Notes Texas Workshop with Leslie Marsh


Every now and then, we experience something that is, More.

More, than we expected.

Even when our expectations are High...they can still be exceeded.

I recently hosted one of those events.

I already knew Leslie Marsh from hosting her in a previous event, 
so I already knew something great would happen. :)
For me then, it was all about seeing what would happen with the workshop attendees.

I wasn't disappointed.

The weather reports promised rain, which we had a little of, 
but our last day, 
the sun broke through and we couldn't have ordered a more perfect day.

My Texas garden Celebrates this time of year.
It Gives and Gives and Gives.

Yes, I can press its leaves and flowers, 
and I can even capture it in photographs...
but now, I can save it with the most amazing transaction.
Heat, water, paper, fabric.
The beauty is coaxed out of the living and transferred Forever.
Its a surprising treasure...every time.

It's an art that has been practiced since the dawn of man.
Now, because of  Leslie's generous sharing, 
another room full of women can do it, too.

I'm so glad that I learned it from one of the most 
congenial, selfless persons I've ever met.

Thank you, Leslie.

Our garage is now home base for art workshops.
What a happy thing to have.

I've been to workshops, in huge venues, where almost never a word 
was spoken between the attendees.

Not in this garage!

There's chatter and sharing.
It reminds me of the old days when women gathered on the porch to snap beans 
or quilt their squares.

Something very permanent, eternal, transpires.

Its a safe place where discussions of  the divisions of politics, 
controversies and conflicts are unwelcomed...

conversations of life and discovery about 
takes place.


The Community blanket was spread, where we shared leaves from 
our backyards, from all across the US.










It doesn't happen Every time.

But it DID This time.

It looks like we were told what to wear for our class picture! 
I think this is the Best Class Pic I've Ever Seen :) This group of ladies...Vicki, Elissa, Jeanne, 
Linda, Michelle, Carol, Mary Ann, Deryn, Diane and Leslie...

You are the Best! 


Everyone has gone home.
But all I have to do, 
is take a deep breath and
 breathe in the aroma that still lingers on my dyed papers and fabrics, 
and it all Comes Back to me.

Whatever it takes, for you to find a Community of the Like Minded, 
I recommend you taking the time to do it.

It's a Building kind of thing.

A Restoring kind of thing.


I'm so Glad that you stopped by hastypearl !

I love seeing where you All come from to read these entries about my life.
Its an unbelievable honor...

If you would like to get a little note telling you when I post, 
please sign up in the box provided in the right column !

Enjoy these lovely days...Fall here and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

What a wonderful World :)

Laura aka hastypearl  


  1. What a sweet and beautiful reflection of our workshop! I absolutely love visiting with you and teaching in your garage venue! It's just as you described and reminds me of being a kid, witnessing my mother, aunts and grandmother gathered around a table preparing food, playing cards or just sharing stories. Thank you! xo

    1. Happily, our family/tribe, increases our whole lives long. The fascination of it for me, is who will be :) Thank You ! xo L

  2. Do I spy a stripey stone? Yes - sharing and creating with our tribe is indeed the best and Leslie is a very special person... lucky all of you! I share your joy and warmth. Good on you dear Hasty - your dream has bloomed. Looking forward to playing with you someday... xox - eb

    1. Yes, we have a love for stripeys, together! Yours from the shore, mine from the mountains. No worries, there's an endless supply. Blooming is a life long wonder, isn't it?;) Laura
